A platformról

ND MARKET platform.

When purchasing goods or services on the platform, or for internal payments, you must have the NDCOIN token.

ND MARKET is a platform for instant purchases of real estate, automobiles, furniture, and other goods and services at discounted and promotional prices. The cost indicates by the seller, taking into account the maximum discounts.

Thanks to new technologies, the buyer, by signing a preliminary contract of sale and instantly paying a deposit with NDCOIN tokens, at least 6% of the cost, reserves the seller’s real estate, car, furniture, and other goods and services according to the indicated conditions and cost via the ND MARKET app or company website.

Every time all visitors of the platform see the “Actual product cost”, the amount in NDCOIN tokens is accumulated. This amount is returned to the buyer after the purchase of the selected product, furthermore the return amount maybe even more than the cost of the purchased goods.

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